Delivered quality Carniolan Honey Bee Nucs

Age of queen: 
Queen marked:
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Strain of Honeybees
Beehive description if any:

Quality 5 frame colonies ready for delivery or collection in May. As they are colonies, and not a mixed frame nuc, they will be primed for a rapid expansion and as a result will deliver an increased honey forage.

The queens are quality marked 2021 Carniolan Queens. Each queen will have been given enough time to prove themselves to be good layers. Carniolan bees are known for their ability to work hard and forage on even the chilly, damp, and cloudy days. Perfect for our climate!
£245 each for collection.
Only £15 for delivery.

April overwintered colonies - sold out.
May overwintered colonies - sold out.
May 20th established 5 frame colonies - only one left.
May 31st established 5 frame colonies - only two left.
June 7th established 5 frame colonies - only one left.

Delivery available or morning collection. Morning collection reduces the stress on the bees as the box will be closed at dark the evening before to ensure the bees have all returned from foraging. If you would like to view the bees before purchase, you’re welcome to do so. However, this must be done two days prior to the day of pick up.

Photos were taken on April 4th.

Last time treated and with what?:

My bees are treated with effective chemical-free control for varroa: Apiguard in August, oxalic acid treatment in December, and dusting in spring. These colonies are very healthy and are ready for a happy, productive summer season.

Full colony or Nuc?:
How many frames of bees?:
£ 245 no

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